Thursday, July 30, 2009

Is Alkaline Water good for the skin?

I think I am learning something about discrimination. My problem has been trusting people because of the letters after their name., rather than taking the time to think things out myself.

I don't feel bad about it. I actually think it's a part of life today. So much to do, so little time translates into giving your power of discrimination away if an 'expert' says something in language you can quickly understand.

So when I originally heard Dr Robert O Young say that alkaline was good for the skin, I accepted it. luckily, a little bird kept a-twittering about it and when this report passed through my monitor I realised I'd just done it again: given away my power.

Hey, how can alkaline be good for the skin? Skin uses our acid waste to protect itself from bacteria. That I DO know. The question now is; what else have I accepted rather than really look at?

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